Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Letter #75- " I testify of the atonement of Christ"

March 3rd, 2014
Dear Everyone,
I have had a great opportunity this week to be able to work in our assigned area more than usual. And let me tell you, the Lord has prepared sooooo many people! With all this time that we have had in our area it has also come with more time to reflect and dwell upon the needs of the people I am serving. Elder Muir and I have been listening to a really powerful short clip a lot lately. It has President Eyring and Elder Holland talking to mission presidents and it has some beautiful instrumental music going on in the background. In these talks, President Eyring said something that has driven me since I have heard it. He stated, "When I feel I have accomplished some great task and deserve to rest...I remember the Saviors unwearying diligence and his mission to establish missionary work in spirit world after his mortal life." I want to add to that! The Savior did not just stop at the spirit world. He administered to the apostles shortly after, to the Nephites and Lamanites, and I am positive to say to the many other people around the world that we do not know about. The development of the Christlike attribute of diligence is often times the determination between a good missionary and an excellent missionary. I know that he wants each of us to "...waste and wear out our lives..." that we can bring to light the many things that will lead our brothers and sisters to their salvation with our Heavenly Father!
Another thing that I read this last week was the talk was "Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ" by Elder Scott, from the last conference. He talks about how the fathers of the strippling warriors had to go through the atonement to overcome their desires to help defend their people. To listen to their priesthood holders and humble themselves sufficiently to allow their sons to go and defend their families. On top of that he talked about how they were not willing to allow themselves to get close to those unclean things of the world. They were counciled by their priesthood leaders to stay away from the those things so they could keep their covenants with God. The covenants were much more important than defending their families?!?!?!
A covenant is the most precious thing that we have from our Heavenly Father. And we as his mortal children and followers would do well to keep every aspect of those covenants, tithing, sabbath day, law of sacrifice, law of chastity, to remember Christ, to be an Exampler of Christ, always, etc. There are such high expectations for us as representatives of Christ! How can we expect to go to an R or even most PG 13 rated movies, a party, speak with foul language, not stand up for the truth we have been given as "disciples" of Christ, then walk out of the venue and testify of the most perfect life that has ever walked this earth, and profess to be a follower of him! It is the highest form of hypocracy to do that! The covenants we make at baptism, in the temple, etc are here for the blessing and benefits of us, and people forfeit them on a daily basis. I weep with the thought that anyone I know and hold dear to me would do such a thing, that even one soul would be lost because they wanted to relax or have fun, and forfeit ETERNAL and GOD PROMISED blessings! He does not expect perfection, but he does command it of us (Matthew 5:48; 3 Nephi 12:48) I pray that we may all act as the fathers of the strippling warriors, keep ourselves aloof from these casual and destructive behaviors.
This rant was sparked by a brother that I love deeply, who is damaging himself by pushing away the very things that brought him so much happiness. The substance abuse has him wrapped up and he cannot see past the bottle to see what joys he has lying in front of him. I am out of time and have been listening to Elder Holland far too much. But I suppose that isn't a bad thing. I testify of the atonement of Christ. And that we may all be clean through him. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen!

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