Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Letter #76- Small Miracle

March 17th, 2014
Dear everyone,
It has been an amazing week! We had a great opportunity to meet with Elder W. Craig Zwick of the 70 and I learned sooooooo much from him! One of the things that I think I learned, I pray I learned, is avoiding complacency. There is a saying, Satan doesn't have to get you to do bad, he only has to get you to not do good! And that is exactly what I thought of this entire week! As a missionary, we do a lot of good things, but at times, it's easy to feel that I'm deserving of a reward or that I can go and relax. But that is not and should not be the case. I believe that I talked about this a little last week.
But with Elder Zwick coming into town it was a wound enlarging experience (Jacob 2:8-9). The spirit took the biggest fear that I had (falling away/not doing all that I can for the people I am serving) and ripped it open and poured alcohol on the wound underneath. I literally felt about II <== this big! I felt as though I had failed, that I wouldn't ever be able to do that, and the daunting reality that I would never be able to live to my full potential sank in. Right now your thinking, "Oh great! Elder Hatch has broke down and gave up right there at the end." Don't worry, I haven't. I realized that I could never reach my full potential alone, by myself. I CAN NOT accomplish anything with any lasting significance so long as I confide in my own abilities. So what do we need to do to keep pressing on.....

We have to stop worrying about the petty things that weigh us down. "I'm cold." "I'm tired." "I.....I....I...." There isn't a more selfish letter in the English alphabet! It is meant to be hard, we were born to have struggles, YOU AGREED TO HAVE STRUGGLES! This last week I had the opportunity to watch "On the Lord's Errand" (here's the URL for it https://www.lds.org/media-library/video/2009-09-01-on-the-lords-errand-the-life-of-thomas-s-monson?lang=eng). As I watched this I thought, "what is the difference between President Monson and me?" It nailed me in the face! The difference is President Monson's consistent concern and worry for completing the Lord's work, and how he places that before all other desires. So I set out to do that this week, and I've only had a small miracle come from it. In my mind I'll be kicking and screaming, begging for some sort of relief from whatever anguish or distraction I may be meeting. But as I did, I had a pretty amazing experience.

Just last night Elder Muir and I were on the way to a members home to get to know them better, because we have felt that our relationship with the members hasn't really been established yet. As we turned down Royal tower rd. I had this urge to start praying. As I began praying to myself I had a thought pop into my head, "There is someone waiting to be baptized on this street." I at first thought it was just a thought, and began to justify, but then I remembered Jorge and my experience with him (He just received the Melchizedek Priesthood by the way) and I asked Elder Muir if we could change our plans and start knocking. Long story short we came across a young man who had just got out of jail on Monday of last week. The week before he was put in jail he had talked to Sister Koeven and Sister Davis and I know that the Lord wants that young man to be baptized. We got all his information. Taught him a little about the restoration, set a return appointment, and we are going to meet with both him and his mother next time.

Small I know, but the tender mercies of the Lord are sometimes small, and through small and simple means, great things are brought to pass. I love my mission! It's the best thing that has ever happened to me! I love my Savior! HE IS MY LORD! I cannot and could not make it through this life without him and his atonement! I know that He lives! I have no doubts of His mercy and grace that he gives us each day. I know the Book of Mormon is His evidence of His church on the earth, given to us to complete His purposes. I exhort everyone to go out and share this book. Let it help others as it has helped you, and if it hasn't helped you, let it help you as it has helped me! I love my Father in Heaven and I am eternally grateful to Him and His son. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen!

Love you all,

Elder Hatch

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