Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Letter #14- "I'm loving being a missionary!"

November 19th, 2012
Dear Everyone,
This week has been way awesome! We started out really slow, because last week we dropped all of our investigators. We've started searching for new areas to work and have been doing some more finding ideas. This week we were able to find and teach 16 brand new people who we all have returning appointments with. And it's been awesome to see how the Lord supports those that are willing to put in the effort. Which reminds me of a funny story.
We ran into a guy who said, "No thanks, I've already been saved." So we talked to him for a bit I asked him how and why he thinks that. He said we are saved by grace right it isn't anything that we do that saves us. I said, "Ya, we are saved by grace but only after all that we can do." I wanted to so ok, so you've been saved so now you can do whatever you want and you'll be fine? Any way, we just left. He was crazy.
But, I am loving the changing of the trees and the weather. We've had rain the past three days with some wind too because of the storms going on right now and we were affected a bit by the hurricane, but not much. I don't have much to say this week other than the fact that I've really been trying to do more purposeful studying. Not solely opening the scriptures and reading and then going to the cross references, But actually trying to apply my studies during the day. So I have been writing on an index card each day a message to carry with me and to remind myself throughout the day that that is what I'm working on. I dare you to do it. You'll be so much more effective as a servant of God. Promise.
We've been working really close with that sister we I told you about last week. She is way awesome! She says you guys call me everytime I start getting depressed and she turns to us and says I think of you guys as my guardian angels. We then gave this totally awesome lesson on how the spirit works and how she can have the spirit more in her life by being more active in church. We have seen her the last two weeks at each ward activity minus one and each week at church. She's making amazing progress! Which scares me because she's bound to have something bad happen soon and I just hope that we have taught her well enough that she'll respond appropriately to it.
I'm loving being a missionary! To be honest I woke up the first morning I was here and asked myself out loud. "Do I want to do this every day for two years?" Elder Zurita says he remembers that day and he thought I was going to be a problem missionary. But I haven't had a second thought since. There has been times that my faith has been tried but it was always followed with an, "I know that what I am doing is a good and righteous act and it will affect me and my family for eternity. So I'm going to do it." I love this perfect gospel that makes too much sense! And I am so glad I can serve here in South Carolina.
Love you all,
Elder Kendon Hatch

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