Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Letter #87- Priesthood

June 9, 2014

Dear everyone,
I have had a fantastic week! There are more then enough people here in Greenville to be able to teach. And the Lord is just hitting us with tender mercies every day! I prayed this week for the ability to see some things that I could improve on and be better at. Caution, do not do this light heartedly, he will certainly answer your prayers. The Lord has blessed me immensely with an ability to work hard, regardless of how I feel. This last week towards the end of the week as my prayers got more sincere in searching for things to better and to change, all the sudden my desires to work hard were dwindling! I didn't know what to do! I felt so ashamed, I kept going about the Lords work doing the best I could do, teaching, serving, but I couldn't feel any power in the work that I was doing....I was so frustrated!!!!
On Saturday, I sat down for Language study, I opened the Liahona to study and read the talk from President Utchdorf on, "The Why of Priesthood Service". I finished reading it and looking over the talk again thought, "That was a great conference talk!" and I went along with the rest of my day. As I got back home that night, I knelt down and then began to pray to finish my night. The spirit nailed me, "I am a priesthood holder!" As I have meditated this thought, my whole soul swells with extreme gratitude to my Heavenly Father that He trusts me enough to give me this authority. "[The] power of priesthood leadership that awakens thespirit and inspires action." President Utchdorf.
I love the fact that I hold the Priesthood Authority of God! I love that my Father is a worthy priesthood and we have priesthood leaders who sacrifice so much to magnify and fulfill their callings. I can account to you all countless and endless stories where priesthood leaders have reached out to me. And even though I did not always except their help and support, I remember them and respect them today for their ability to act as Christ would, for taking the time to act as Christ would. I am grateful for the atonement, and the priesthood authority that allows us to access it. I testify of my Savior Jesus Christ, that he lives, He REALLY LIVES! I know it! I will ALWAYS testify of Him. I love Him and know he guides his church and his chosen servants today! THIS VERY DAY! He lifts those of us who are weak and helps us to be strong! His power is real! And I will WASTE AND WEAR OUT MY LIFE IN HIS SERVICE! In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

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