Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Letter #30- Our Heavenly Father Has Prepared a Way

Dear Everyone,                                                                                                           03/18/2013

Firstly I want to say happy birthday to my Dad! Woo hoo! I wore a green tie for his birthday! Things have been going well here, I am getting transferred to a new area. I won't find out where until Wednesday, so I'll let you all know next week. This last week was a super good week. We have been teaching a ton of lessons lately! We have really been searching for new people to teach! We will teach a quick lesson to someone and find out that they aren't elect yet and we'll bear testimony to them and then leave them with a prayer. Just planting little seeds here and there. I have been really focusing on my studies and how well they are going. I notice that it's so easy to get comfortable, I've been changing around the furniture each week to make sure I don't get too comfortable with my studies. And I've really been working on mastering Preach My Gospel. My studies are so much more efficient when I do that.

We went and saw Carlos and his family again this last week and they are loving the gospel! They said this time when we went over there that they understood the importance of praying to God and not to saints (they were extremely Catholic). We invited them twice to be baptized during the lesson and they wouldn't accept a date. It's been driving me crazy trying to figure out what it is they feel that they need to know before being baptized. We talked about the authority with them and they acknowledged that they need to be baptized by the authority of the priesthood, but I don't know that they understand it! I know that the Lord is answering their prayers though. They have come a very long way!

Also I did a ton of self evaluation and goal setting this week, to make sure I'm doing what I need to do and to be sure I'm going to the direction the Lord wants me to go. Everyone quick! Grab your Preach My Gospels and set goals based on the inspired guidelines found in there! And I promise that so long as you set goals and hold yourself accountable for those goals you are going to find an increase of the spirit in your life. I have a testimony that goal setting is inspired, as well as planning things out. Our Heavenly Father, I guarantee has set goals, and has prepared a way (sound familiar) for those goals to be met.Well, I have a lot of packing to do, Love you.

Elder Kendon Hatch

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