Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Letter #39- Expectations

Hello Everyone,
Oh man! This week has just blew by like nothing! We've been busy as crazy! We have the branch coming up here soon! We have less actives, investigators, members that we are all working with and it's been great! I'm loving being a missionary! A brief summary.

We have been working with several people that have great potential the first little family we are working with is Angel and Ana and their daughter Irene. They are super cool, from Mexico, very good people who sincerely want something new in there lives.

Then there is Oscar and he is really goofy. 21 years old, from New York, moved here to get away from drugs and alcohol, but then just found it again. It was actually really funny because we went over to his apartment complex to see him and he was outside with some friends(about 6 of them total). As we walked up he told us he was high and had been drinking, plus he is on a medication for some sort of psychiatric problem. But he is a really good guy has desires to change, just is making some bad decisions along the way, as we all do. We approached these guys and Elder Franco and I started talking to a couple of the guys. They got upset(The whole curse of Cain issue was brought up by them) and so we just left on the best note we could. Came back by later and one of the guys says, "Hey, I actually respect what you all do." So then we started talking to them all, and then the other Elders (Elder Bagley & Stadel) Show up and start talking to all these guys with us, we all start talking to different guys so 4 white shirts and ties and 5 black dudes and a Latin, all standing outside talking. It was pretty funny.

But anyhow, Oscar calls us later that night when he was more sober and after having been in a fight and says Elder Hatch "You know my intentions, I want to change, can you all come over tomorrow."  So we went over the next day and taught him a very spiritual lesson and now he is going to play basketball with us today and go to institute on Wednesday as well as church. What else also helps is that he is renting from a less active lady who loves the church still. Woo hoo!
But I wanted to talk about something that I've really been thinking about and that is, expectations. What expectations do we have in this life? What expectations do we have for our friends? For our spouse? For our children? What do our friends and family expect of us? And more importantly, what does God and His son Jesus Christ expect of us? As I have started writing down my expectations and asking of what others expect of me I have been more capable of fulfilling my capacity as a servant and representative of Jesus Christ. I have noticed that people understand more and better, they feel more loved by us, and it opens them up to acting as well as feeling the spirit. As you go about socializing, I challenge each of you to set up your expectations for others and yourself, and if you will, you will receive more clarity on how you can help others and what affect you have will multiply.
I love you all, I love being a missionary, I love representing the Savior and I hope that each of you will find as much joy in this gospel as I have. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.
Love you,
Elder Kendon Hatch

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