Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Letter #41- The Savior LOVES ME, And YOU!

June 10th, 2013
Dear Everyone,

Hello! Holy Smokes I'm low on time, we're at the library and we don't get much time on these computers. But I'll give you a brief over cap and tell you about what I learned! 

Oscar is in a rehab center and won't be out for a while.
We found a few cool people to work with and they are doing great! The only thing is we don't get to meet with them very often.
Alcohol stinks and is destroying the world, but that is ok, because the gospel cures alcoholism.

Sherri has been having some problems with her kids(they are sueing her) but the other day a member took Sherri and her kids names to the temple and that same day one of the kids called and said they wanted to see her. So she invited us over to teach them when they came to visit with her. Their hearts are really being softened, but it's going to be a slow process I believe.

I learned this week something very important. Something I knew, but I received a huge spiritual confirmation of the truth. Firstly Go read Mosiah 3:5-12 And this talks about the Savior and His life here. What he did for us. And how we can have comfort that he knows us better than we do(que in on verse 10). As I read this, I broke down ever single verse and realized that Jesus Christ knows everything about me and everything I am going to do. I later had an opportunity to share this in Church with the Spanish group. I thought about who I used to be, how much I have changed, and how all of that stuff that I did the savior suffered through it as well. I was never alone in it. Did I feel that way, YES! But looking back it affirms my testimony that Jesus Christ is my Savior. That our Heavenly Father had divine purpose for him to be our exemplar and that we must follow as closely to him as we can. I love being a representative of my brother Jesus Christ! I love being a member of His church I love having the opportunity to share my testimony with as many people as I can. And I know that my Savior LOVES ME, And YOU! I don't have much time. But I love you all, thank you for your support and love. In the name of Jesus Christ. Amen

Elder Hatch 

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